Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kindle is Green!

I think the Kindle product is one of the more amazing products in that it still promotes reading as a hobby. It seems as though we continue to move to a world of having someone read to us, perform for us, or tell us what to do all while creating more waste in the world. I like the fact that by using a Kindle, you can help reduce the amount of paper produced and decrease the cost of book production without sacrificing the quality of good writing. If you haven't seen the Kindle or don't know what it is, you should check it out. There are thousands of book titles available for very reasonable costs that once you buy are yours to keep. Additionally, there are magazines and newspapers available to you at reduced costs and in a very timely manner. Finally, the great thing is the Kindle is a relatively new product with more and more features yet to come. Check it out today.