Thursday, October 30, 2008

Upload Documents Right To Your Kindle

I came across an interesting blog that talked about how to upload documents to your Kindle, which has been very helpful to me, so I thought I would pass it along to you.

I have a job that requires me to read a lot of reports. When I travel, I find that airport and airplane idle time is a good way to get caught up on my reading of said reports.

One problem that I have experienced is that when I travel, I end up taking more stuff than I need, and I am not just talking about shoes (you know what I mean ladies!). So, my carry-on bag typically contains, books, paperwork, laptop, music, and whatever else I deem essential for my trip. Since getting my Kindle, I have been able to reduce the number of gadgets I take with me without sacrificing the quantity of items, because I can fit a lot of it on my Kindle.

For example, as you well know, you are able to download 100s of 1000s of books right onto your Kindle, so, I no longer have to take my physical books with me. If you don't know, you can also upload music onto your Kindle, so I no longer have to have an additional gadget for that. Wouldn't it be nice if I could reduce the amount of hard copy paperwork I have, by uploading that onto your Kindle as well? So, now when I travel, I have my Kindle, my laptop, and me. It really makes things a lot easier.

If you are interested in how to upload documents, i.e., word files, PDF files, etc., onto your Kindle practically free, please visit this blog, EduKindle, for instructions and information.

Now, some people may be wondering why not just use your laptop to read the reports and not worry about uploading documents to your Kindle. Whenever I can avoid lugging my laptop through an airport and not have to worry about taking it out of my bag and putting it in a bin by itself when I go through security only to have to put it back in my bag and lug it around some more, I'll opt for the Kindle every time. I still have to run it through security, but it is a lot smaller, easier, and lighter to deal with. That's just my preference.

I just wanted to make sure you knew your options and just how versatile your Kindle really is.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Working Out With A Kindle

I continue to be amazed at the places I see people using their Kindles. Today, I diligently went to the gym again in my quest to lose those few, or maybe more than a few, pounds that have crept up on me as of late. Typically, I attend a spin class or body pump class, both of which I highly recommend, but being a Sunday afternoon, neither class was offered so I opted to pay my dues to the workout gods on the Elliptical Machine. At the gym, all of the Cardio machines are hooked up to the bay of 8 big screen TVs so that you can at least entertain yourself while your heart rate is racing for the stars. Much to my amazement, there was this guy a couple of machines down from me that had his Kindle sitting on the built-in book rack on his Elliptical Machine. He was plugging along with his exercise routine and reading his Kindle all at the same time. I was duly impressed and thought I would share with you one more example that indicates the Kindle is invading our lives slowly but surely. Think about it...a great Christmas present coupled with a New Year's resolution could find you reading your Kindle at your local gym in early 2009!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Amazon Kindle 2

Pandora's box has been opened and the new Amazon Kindle 2 was waiting for us inside. According to The Boy Genius, who has pictures of the new device, the new Kindle looks pretty good. The article goes on to give some specs on the new device which include some of the following.
  • the clickwheel has been replaced by a joystick
  • the size is a little wider and a little longer than the original
  • the buttons on both sides of the device are a little smaller
  • the keyboard has been redesigned
  • the old charger has been replaced by a universal mini USB charger
For more information about the new Kindle, check out the article at The Boy Genius.

Knowing that each iteration of new electronic devices, whether it be iPods, iPhones, PSPs, Playstations, Wii's, etc., you get more and more functionality, typically for a lower price (according to Engadget, it could be as low as $249, but we shall see). It will be very interesting to see what the new price tag is for the Kindle 2 once it surfaces on the market. One can only assume that Amazon will try to launch it's new product just in time for the holidays. I, for one, can't wait to see it.

Again, if you haven't checked out the Kindleyet, you need to. It is an amazing device and one that is changing the way we read, learn, and help the environment. Happy Kindling!!!!!